Business Accountant Adelaide

page and I think  that’d be good first step because you  know right now a lot of people  opportunity there’s definitely very few  people out of top we’re doing it well  put the two men about so if you  differentiate just by being on and  present and then the next level of it  being really good at you know i will  tell you i do want to add something

that  we  Justin did something interesting Business Accountant Adelaide for a  long time his facebook page was his  business landing page it was that’s  where he drove people to engage with his  business now he’s rediscovered the  importance having a website and has  luckily kept his URL and built that up  we’ve always used our website as our  landing page and use the various  properties like the facebook page and  elsewhere to drive people to that  through links and so there’s different

  ways you can do it i i i know i would  say i’ve been on at least ,  websites and facebook pages of members  of ODS on facebook learning about them  looking through them getting ideas  trying to see who i could help with  different things and the one thing that  I that I really have on I found  interesting is you know how they engage  and how they try and drive people or not  do that and it’s an area that’s really  easy to improve on but figure out where  you’re landing is and then figure out  which way you’re going to drive people  which direction you want to drive into I  just want to add that you know whatever  your practice is whatever your  demographics

is whatever your specialty  is nowadays there’s more information  that published then you can really  possibly keep up with on your own all  three of us you know happen to you know  do myopia control and you know there’s  so much mainstream news new york times  as well as janma and all other things  that come out and i think having  somebody like surefire

to you know help  you create a strategy so that your  harnessing all that information that’s  out there to benefit you is just really  absolutely critical i think that that’s  where you really differentiate yourself  from somebody else you may just be  posting links which is nice but