House valuation Brisbane

of the most  profitable aspects of our business House valuation Brisbane if we  do it correctly so as patrick said there  a ton of work so if you don’t have a  good work flow in place in ain’t gonna  work so well you’re going to just end up  working a lot for very little profit but  I have seven solid tips for selling more  albums  and let’s go through let’s see where are  they seven tips there we

go here we go  so these are the seven solid tips to  sell more albums okay first one is show  more albums this seems obvious but often  it’s not and we’ll go through each of  these one by one number to show big and  fancy quick quiz if you show a  ten-by-ten leather album with  pages  in it what will you sell most likely  anyone anyone there Patrick Deb pirkle  exactly so you sell what you sh  plus  professional photographers Association  of America show statistically that

  people order two sizes smaller than what  they see in a studio so for example if  you think eight by ten eleven by  fourteen sixteen by twenty if you’re  showing all  by  s in your studio  statistically speaking you’re going to  be selling eight by tens so if you want  to sell  by  s you need to go eleven  by fourteen sixteen by twenty twenty by  thirty  by  so if you want to sell   by  s you need to show  by  s  on the walls statistically speaking so  if we extrapolate that two albums if we  want to sell larger albums what do we  need to do  yep two up but if we for example if we  want to sell

  x  albums or  x   horizontal albums what do we need to  show huge books do look silly in small  spaces but you know what Debbie that’s  what most people think and I hate to say  you’re wrong but statistically speaking  and we’ll go over this you are much  better off showing the largest album  possible with as few pages as possible  and we’ll go over that later and this  saves you a lot of money I’m samples  plus it makes you more money yes Deb  it’s true and I have that on